Shipping & Processing

Processing Time

Processing is the amount of time it takes for your order to be prepared/made before it is shipped out. Processing is the duration of time taken to make an order. Please bear in mind, every order is handmade, hand prepared and hand packaged. Our current processing time is 7 business days.

Shipping Time

Shipping occurs after your order has concluded processing times. There are a variety of different options when it comes to shipping methods:

First Class (standard): 5-7 Business days 
Priority Mail (express): 2-3 Business days

Please bear in mind, selecting Priority Mail upon checkout does not speed up your processing time. It is simply a metric of the shipping timeframe.


Things to Keep in Mind
Order Numbers don’t instantly update with available Delivery Status. If your tracking number entered shows that it is currently unavailable, do not be alarmed, your order has been shipped out and is in transit to the local post office. Tracking should be updating within a few business days. Depending on the destination, the order may take 10 to 15 business days to be delivered.